Friday, December 15, 2006

MS word bug - Time has arrived for our BPOs to serve the customer in Space

I read an article that ground staff are banned from sending MS word attachments to the space shuttle mission becoz of possible anti-virus issues. It looks some bangalorean call centre will soon get a call from space to fix their PC issues. I do not know what is the make of PC used by space mission :)
More here

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Online Map services linked to CNET editor's death

Here is an arcticle which says that a wrong route suggested by online map service could have made this Man one wrong turn which ended his life. We had a similar experience when we took the route to MtRainier from yahoo maps in 2003. We met a dead end junk yard and a board saying "we will not call 911 and tresspassers will be met with a gun" kind of boards.
With the kind of blood flowing in our veins, we still called those guys behind the warning boards and asked them the route to Rainier ;)
Online maps are great inside the city, but I believe that the road signs are the best when traveling around the places like US.

Monday, December 04, 2006

iPhone is a reality???

All the people who made fun of me when I got my new Nano, get ready to get it back. If this is true then Sony will learn a lesson about why they should not mix up camera into a cell phone.

Nokia??? Nokia has to learn a lot and more importantly People who buy N series will know how they are being robbed by Nokia.

Motorola - let us whether iPhone can beat the looks of Razr. There is nothing else in the Razr.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Good one about Gujju's - Thanks Sabari for sending this one

An Arab was admitted to the Lilavati Hospital, Bombay for an open heart Surgery. Prior to the surgery the doctors needed to store his blood in case the need arrived. As the Arab had a rare type of blood group, which couldn't be found locally, a call went out nationwide.

Finally a Gujarati gentleman was located who had a similar type of blood group. The Gujarati willingly donated his blood for the Arab. After the surgery, the Arab sent the Gujarati, as appreciation for donating his blood - a new Toyota Prado, diamonds and US one million.

A few years on, the Arab had to undergo corrective surgery. His doctor telephoned the Gujju who was more than happy to donate his blood again.After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Gujarati a thank you card and a jar of almond halwa sweets.

The Gujarati was shocked to see that the Arab this time did not reciprocate the kind gesture as he had anticipated. He asked the Arab why had he only given a card and a jar of Almond sweets.

To this the Arab replied, "Bapu... now I have Gujju blood in my veins!"